Increased Competition

Economic integration and globalization have caused many multinational companies to enter new markets. As a result, SMEs are subject to intense competition and need to specialize in thriving.

PTs or local fitness centers need to gain experience dealing with international markets outside their domain. Specializing in custom fields helps them add high-value services to sufficiently niche clients to capitalize on a market segment that the larger generic fitness centres cannot penetrate effectively.

Blockchain data can facilitate a reliable source of information to track market trends in these niche segments. The PT/fitness provider may have access to the broader market activity and provide insights to the client to meet their personal fitness goals. A more harmonized, global single source of data could lead to the creation of new roles in the industry, such as data analysts. Their role could be to analyze market data to provide meaningful insights to clients to help bridge the gap between changing consumer demands. Those that move first to harness this data could gain a competitive edge. These values add insights that could be provided to the clients as part of a higher level of tiered NFT access.

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